Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So I am at 7-11 and I start talking to this guy named Carter. He hits me up for some change and it just so happens that I have some to give, which is crazy because I usually never have money with me. After I give him what I have he begins to cry and then tells me that no one ever shows him kindness like this. There was also something about him selling his soul to the devil and how he can’t forgive himself. Then he thanks me for saving him. During this entire time I am very confused. All I can think about is what we have been learning in RevHi about sharing the gospel through our actions and how others can see Jesus in us when we live it out in everyday life.

So I invite him to our Bible study that we recently started with some of our homeless friends that live on the beach out in Waianae. Amazingly, he accepts my invitation and brings along his wife as well. Carter really got into it, reading the scripture and sharing his thoughts. It was really great up until he ran off and started jumping in some mud puddles. I am not an expert on this type of thing but I think he is either bipolar or drug use has damaged his brain. He tells me he is an insomniac and went without sleeping for 90 days once! His wife seemed a little off as well.

We finally took them home. Carter invited us in for dinner as he was preparing Filipino food. Unfortunately we had to get back and could not stay but we appreciated the offer. As they got out of the car we noticed that the seat his wife had been sitting on was covered in blood. When we got home we spent a few hours trying to get it out.

I am not sure what to think of all this other than that I need to keep showing love to everyone, regardless of who they are or how they act. And I can tell you that it is not going to be easy.

But it is what Jesus would do, and my greatest desire is to be like Him.

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